This program is perfect for you if...

if you're seeking to improve your relationship-building skills and create more meaningful, fulfilling connections with others.

Whether you're struggling with social anxiety, difficulty forming and maintaining relationships, or simply looking to deepen your existing connections, this program can provide you with the tools, support, and guidance you need to achieve your relationship goals. With a range of evidence-based therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy, and communication skills training, you'll learn how to improve your communication skills, increase your self-awareness, and develop healthy boundaries in your relationships. With the support of experienced professionals and a community of peers who share your experience, you'll be able to achieve meaningful progress towards building stronger, more fulfilling relationships in your personal and professional life.

What skills are needed for healthy relationships?

Interpersonal skills - These are defined as the ability to make connections with others. This is important in making new connections and building on existing ones. This includes finding common interests and showing mutual respect and interest in a person's ideas, opinions, and thoughts.
Non-verbal communication skills - Non-verbal communication is so important. It shows people that you are actively listening to them by making eye contact or leaning into the conversation. Our mannerisms whether intentional or unintentional can really affect how a person feels in a conversation with you.
Verbal communication skills - Being able to communicate your ideas, thoughts and feelings effectively can build a level of trust and deepen any relationship.
Mutuality - This is an important part of healthy relationships. You should place value on the other person and their contribution to the relationship and you should mutually engage in contributing to the relationship. All relationships require a mutual responsibility to each other.
Emotional intelligence - Being able to not only recognize emotions in yourself and others, allows you to build an even deeper connection with friends and family. This emotional intelligence should also carry with it a deep empathy toward others.

How can I get help for it?

So many things can affect your ability to connect with others – your personality, upbringing, education, social circles, mental health issues, and trauma. Healthy relationships are vital to the joy and fulfillment you have in your life. Partnering with a counselor can help you grow to have deeper relationships and grow in your skills to connect with others.