This program is perfect for you if...

If you're dealing with issues related to faith and spirituality, and seeking support, guidance, and a safe space to explore your beliefs and values.

Whether you're struggling with doubt, questioning your beliefs, or experiencing a crisis of faith, this program can provide you with the tools and resources you need to navigate these challenges and achieve greater clarity, peace, and meaning in your spiritual life. With a range of evidence-based therapies like existential therapy, mindfulness practices, and spiritual counseling, you'll learn how to explore your beliefs and values, deepen your sense of purpose and meaning, and cultivate a greater sense of connection and fulfillment in your life. With the support of experienced professionals and a community of peers who share your experience, you'll be able to achieve meaningful progress towards addressing your spiritual concerns and achieving greater spiritual growth and well-being. Remember, everyone's spiritual journey is unique, and this program can help you navigate the challenges and find greater meaning and fulfillment in your own journey.

What do spiritual or faith issues look like?

We are going to look at two different types of spiritual or faith issues - internal and external.
Internal faith issues deal with how you internally relate with your beliefs. Some examples of this are difficulties from questioning your faith, insecurity regarding your identity as it relates to your faith, or religious practices that negatively affect your mental health, including carrying shame or self-hatred.
External faith issues are characterized by external conflict with family, others in your religious organization, discrimination, or trauma associated with spiritual things, for example, ties to cult-like organizations, spiritual control or manipulation, or abusive spiritual language.

How spiritual or faith issues affect our lives?

Faith issues affect us in every area of our life, emotionally, physically, behaviorally, and relationally. In most cases, it causes extreme emotional distress, including anxiety and depression, and it may even coincide with traumatic experiences relating to our spirituality. This emotional distress can also lead to physical symptoms of stress and our bodies often carry the weight of these difficulties. Our faith affects how we behave, react, relate to ourselves, and relate to others. Our relationships are almost always affected by our faith. Whether it’s a family member putting pressure on us to believe a certain way or a friend who doesn’t understand our perspective on life, this can create what feels like unresolvable conflict in our relationships.

How can I get help for it?

Oftentimes, what we need to work out these issues in our hearts is space to process them. Having a licensed therapist who is not personally involved in your life can give you room to come to your own conclusions about your faith and beliefs without the societal pressures surrounding you. Getting help for these issues can leave you with feelings of both purpose and peace.