This program is perfect for you if...

if you're dealing with the difficult process of divorce and seeking support, guidance, and a safe space to heal and move forward.

Whether you're struggling with the emotional impact of the separation, the practical challenges of co-parenting or financial changes, or simply need someone to talk to, this program can provide you with the tools and support you need to rebuild your life and find a sense of hope and healing after divorce. With a range of evidence-based therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), family therapy, and grief counseling, you'll learn how to manage your emotions, communicate effectively with your ex-spouse, and develop a positive outlook on the future. With the support of experienced professionals and a community of peers who share your experience, you'll be able to achieve meaningful progress towards healing from the pain and challenges of divorce and creating a new, fulfilling life for yourself and your family.

How does divorce affect your life?

Divorce affects nearly every aspect of your life. Divorce is the result of extreme relational disconnection and can be caused by many different variables including but not limited to, infidelity, lack of commitment, conflict, financial issues, health problems, etc. Along with these variables often comes many intense emotions - feelings of betrayal, confusion, fear, loneliness, regret, anger, depression and anxiety.
Not only do divorces affect you emotionally, but they put a strain on your finances, affect how you sleep, cause a change in eating habits, and even push you to find unhealthy ways to cope. It also puts a strain on both your family and friend relationships.

How to heal from divorce?

Healing from divorce is a journey. Oftentimes as you step into new phases of the divorce you’ll find new things that will affect you that you will have to process. Here are some ways to help you on your journey.
Deal with things as they come.
Do things that bring you joy. Maybe it’s getting that coffee on your way to work or a nice long bubble bath. Whatever you find delight in, do more of those things.
Be patient with yourself. Healing is a process. Don’t make rigid expectations for yourself that are impossible to keep. Give yourself extra room to grieve.
Find care for your children. Taking care of your kids in this journey is imperative. They’re going through a lot and they need help, just like you!
Take time to journal. Often times when we sit down to write it can open up things in our heart that we haven’t even acknowledged or help us be grateful for the things that are joyful in our lives.
Eat healthy and get good sleep and exercise. Again, don’t be too rigid with this, but trying to have a healthy lifestyle can help you deal with these things.
Find support in quality friends and family and in a counselor.

Why counseling is important?

Many people growing through a divorce often find themselves confused, frustrated, or in need of guidance. Getting a counselor you can trust can help you rediscover your sense of self, offer direction when you don’t know which way to go, and help you heal from the pain that divorce inevitably brings.